Recent Projects

Beneficent CRM

An open source CRM dashboard for a non-profit to help them manage applications and client intake.

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HTTP Load Balancer

A load balancer with simple path and host based routing built as part of an online course.

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Inventory System

An inventory management system that supports adding, buying and displaying the stock

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Authentication Bot

An authentication bot that verifies Discord users using the university email address

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An app to track player data and statistics fetched via an API from Riot Games

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Feedback Analyzer

A hackathon project to help developers find issues using Twitter feedback

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Turkey Bot

A feature rich chat bot that is able to solve math problems, play music and much more

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Rock Paper Scissors

A simple AI game that plays RPS against a human and tries to predict their next move

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Electronic Store

An app to serve electronics store customers, implemented using the MVC design pattern

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Personal Website

A portfolio of my work experience and projects built with Bootstrap Studio

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Gene Matches

A simple script to find gene matches in datasets and score them using Pandas

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Yeast-Genome Scrapper

A web scrapper that uses Python's multi-processing to get gene data and parse it

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StringDB Bot

A browser automation script that fetches data for a set of genes using Selenium

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